Sometimes it is still struggling to sell at all the idea that the Italians must recycle. Also creatively not fails. Still happen to have questions amletici on disposing certain waste, I fall squarely into the trap of the notorious carton of milk.

Spent minutes of terror before the bin plastic or paper, I was sweating cold and miserable all the time was wrong! The only reason I remember with precision as it needs to be disposed of is because there was a discussion in the family a little too turned on! You can discuss because of junk? We discuss two adults let alone if I had children and I were to discuss how to dispose of the packaging their toys.

The news that is turning on all the blogs that I follow normally transversal crosses the universe of web communication from blogs that talk about graphics and trend on packaging to those that deal with topics like ecology and recycling. Ken leaves Barbie.

I know that you are so scared that the articulated joints of your Bratz are giving way under the weight of the news… But the fact remains that things are so, and you can't do anything. It's’ finished. Do not go out with girls that contribute to deforestation, says Ken.

Barbie, it's over! | Inspire We Trust

Ken leaves no Barbie because he did outing (and finally admitted to preferring the horse!) but because he has discovered that the paper that uses for its packaging boxes comes from rainforests.

You know how many animal species are at risk for girls to play half the world? I don't know about you but I say that the game is not worth the candle and Paris worth a mass NOT (Oh well… full!). And facts Greenpeace is the inventor and organiser of the campaign against the Mattel, that is the historic company that produces the world's most famous doll.

The method is clever and amusing given that accuses the American toy company in the same way fashion and difficulty that characterizes the world of Barbie. With a short film realized by the use of 3D tells us so nice in fact anything but funny and entrusts the narration of the affair to a wild-eyed and vanesio Ken that, Incidentally, has a wardrobe more provided by many girls I know.

Perhaps the idea was suggested by far more popular feature for families Toy Story 3 Pixar, Although in that case, Barbie was the part of heroine positive, and true to its democratic ideas and Ken the figure of pirlotto with fantastic vintage wardrobe.

Barbie, it's over! | Inspire We Trust

For professional deformation and personal sense of aesthetics I must say that a good packaging attracts me like few things in the world. I like innovative projects and cutting-edge solutions regardless of the type of product referred to in. As I see I a good product It says that when the most common aesthetic canons and communicates as simply and effectively your message.

It is also obvious, though, that must be studied calandosi in contemporary reality, taking account of the issues surrounding it (in this case environmental trampling on social). The question is: After all this mess created by Greenpeace and the Nice Shockwave of the blog that talks about it… What will parents? Because the solution to the problem remains in the hands of the end user.

The Barbie is style icon from 50 and spends years, Mattel has availed of designer collaborations, well-known figures from the worlds of fashion and entertainment to resell a ideal woman (perfect and wrong), resell a dream, an ideal of life all sequins that doesn't have any kind of contact with the reality of every day (again… perfect and wrong).

As if it was not enough as said above there we also deforestation the rainforests, the extermination the Sumatran tiger and l’extinction dell’ostrich (again, but this time in the choir: wrong!). No more extra money for Ken's chest waxing.

But it is not that all this talk of fashion accessories, hairstyles and style icons there has completely stoned and turn what is the main? Yeah.

About The Author


Hello Valentina here, art director, bloggers and tea lover. I like to discover new things and love the creativity in all forms, seeking creative ideas and resources for my work and I am convinced that you are so. Am I wrong?

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