With the paper you make clothes. It shows the Croatian designer Morana Kranjec with her paper dresses, but the question is: let's talk about fashion or sculpture? You judge since I can't seem to get to the head. The folded paper as origami maintains a rigid structure on the edge of the body as a theatre but wrapping it and stressing the structure.

The work of tailoring made with paper Morana Kranjec is absolutely incredible and complex at the edge of magic. The seams are almost always concealed and do not give the slightest chance to discover how are made. What you fail to grasp is that a rigid material so it can be organized, folded and tamed enough to create complex garments vaguely Victorian flavour. Or better yet how ancient Japanese warship armor.

The paper is a perishable material that cleverly folded like origami magnificent create a beautiful contrast to rigid shapes, almost militaristic, that suggest dresses by Morana Kranjec.


Sculpture or fashion? Paper dresses by Morana Kranjec

Abiti di carta di Morana Kranjec Abiti di carta di Morana Kranjec Abiti di carta di Morana Kranjec Abiti di carta di Morana Kranjec Abiti di carta di Morana Kranjec Abiti di carta di Morana Kranjec Abiti di carta di Morana Kranjec Abiti di carta di Morana Kranjec Abiti di carta di Morana Kranjec Abiti di carta di Morana Kranjec

Unfortunately it is not easy to find more material about Croatia's designers what you see here. I do not understand why I could not find a portfolio dedicated to his work. If anyone knows a site running please let me report.

Some photos were made by Dario Belić.

About The Author


Hello Valentina here, art director, bloggers and tea lover. I like to discover new things and love the creativity in all forms, seeking creative ideas and resources for my work and I am convinced that you are so. Am I wrong?

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