Ryan Woodward

You surely know that Google regularly outsources several artists the re-design of their logo. Generally occcasioni rimaneggaire of the logo are related to historical events of general interest such as...

Obsolete objects

When is that it feels old? When the world around us is changing and we can't understand what is happening. Do things like start your gripes with the phrase "young people now ...", riguardi uno dei tu...

The family album

"...quando si dice album di famiglia". This is a movie quote, a zillion paperdollars to guess which movie I'm talking about. The family album is a classic, a species of evergreen every household, from aunt shocked dav...

Cinemagraphs. Infinite photos

The last Harry Potter film has really depopulated and if you have done if the city was literally papered pretty much advertising that invite you to see the latest film in the saga. Come tanti anche io s...

Survive in Paris

Are you back from summer vacation? Are you happy with the break? Me yesss! I came (yesterday) from a ride in two cities: Paris and Budapest. The article about the cliché of some time ago had already forced me to talk about Paris. Under the guise of holidays and the various ...

The B side of the Seventh Art

I love the cinema. Who does not love it? Actually I love any form of storytelling and film are way more fun to pass the time, especially if it is pitch dark outside and the storm rages. Neanche a dirl...