Barbie the psycho-killer

Therefore .... Let's take a couple of accounts together. Barbie is the most popular toy for girls, despite being criticized as a politician in election campaign. Today because it has the tits too big, domani perché ...

Riusuke Fukahori

This man is a genius. A real master in the art of deception. I am sure that once knew his work no longer far less than loving him and follow him. It must be said that his work should be followed by a...

Apples by Haroshi

Therefore .... When it says street art usually refers to a collection of artistic activities that derive directly from the street culture. The "street culture" It is not so much in Italian, at least not if the...

Surreal green apple sauce

Digital technology in the service of Art. Apparently the editing reigns undisputed master. If you are real traditionalists opt for Photoshop, If you are new technologies that make it easier ...