June Craft: make paper flowers | Inspire We Trust

June Craft: make paper flowers

Paper flowers to celebrate June! In my personal lineup the month dedicated to paper was the last one, May, but the work literally knocked me out and I couldn't post anything of...
March Craft: Be Concrete!

March Craft: Be Concrete!

Inaugurating the month of March with a new material: the cement. How about? I find that this material is great for all DIY enthusiasts who want a versatile material for their pr...

February Craft: soft toy with felt

Happy birthday to me! Today is the day most appropriate to say. And since today is my day I celebrate returning child, at least with the thought, and then I continue the search for mater...
January Craft: home decor with fabrics

January Craft: home decor with fabrics

What better way to start the new year if not making the order at home? January Craft: home decor with fabrics is the post for those who want to change something in your own home, and the first step is ...